All sales are ultimately Final.
Off-the-shelf purchases may be exchanged if they have not been used. No holes, tweaks, dents, etc. If you purchased an off-the-shelf helmet, I may have to rebuild it. This takes time. Depending on the style of helmet, a rebuild will be added to the back of the appropriate queue (Semi-Custom or Full Custom).
If you order or purchase a semi-custom or full custom helmet and the sizing is wrong and it doesn't fit, I will determine the reason why. If the reason is because you provided incorrect measurements, I may or may not rebuild the helmet. If I do decide to rebuild and it was bad measurements, it will go to the back of the queue. If I messed up, then I will look at the schedule and work on rebuilding the helmet as soon as possible.
The buyer will be responsible for all shipping charges on returns.
If a full refund is the absolute final answer to the issue, all deposits are Non-refundable.
Please read your invoice.
Please make sure the shipping address is correct before you pay the invoice.
Please let me know if you would like insurance before you pay the invoice.
I ship USPS Priority with Signature Confirmation on most items.
After you place your order the next step is the hardest. You have to wait to get it. I do my best to give a realistic timeline but many things can result in the order being early or late. So remember my timeline is an estimate. I will contact you when it's ready to begin. If this is a bad timing and you need more time due to life on your end this is when you let me know.
Yes it's OK to cheek and see how things are doing.
No it's NOT OK to check multiple times. 3 or 4 is OK more than that and it starts to eat up my time and orders get late, esp[especially if they are already late. It also makes me not want to work on it. Odd but true fact. So typically after too many check ins (Hey how's my order I'll just stop replying for a bit) I’m a 1 man show and I'd rather not spend my time answering how's things going emails as much as I enjoy the human interaction.
Can I make changes?
On Semi Custom helms typically no, but sometimes it doesn't hurt to ask I guess. On full custom helms, yes you can request a change to your design. If it's more than something simple it wont change timeline but if it's a bit more it will put your order back to the end of a waiting queue. You can always make a change to a measurement, this can however really affect delivery of the helm however.
CustomStainless Crusader made for Sir Gui
Shipping prices are estimates. AESIR Metalwyrks will issue a refund if the website stacks charges, sometimes it does that and I'm not sure why yet, or send a invoice (if one is needed) at the time of product shipment.
Effective date: November 19, 2018
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